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“Art doesn’t have to be pretty. It has to be meaningful.” ~Duane Hanson

I thought long and hard about each symbol I used. I enjoy drawing and puzzles so I added a pencil and crossword puzzle. I also enjoy wolves because I find them fascinating. They hunt as a pack or move alone to survive and that is pretty similar to us. Under the wolf I put a dragon ball, which is from my favorite show/series. I also added the big dipper constellation as a part of the K because I love the stars, and will sometimes go out in the middle of the night to sit and gaze up at them. Also included in the K I have the logo for the corvette because our grandpa owned a 1999 Corvette and he passed it on to my dad. In the T I have a baseball to remind me of when I played as a kid. Finally, I have three objects for the A. I have a PS4 controller, an iPhone and my bed because usually at home i'm in bed either on my phone or on the PS4.

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